News & Insights

News & Insights

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Sjoberg Tool

It takes a big team of great people, a lot of skill, and some pretty amazing equipment to produce and deliver the parts and components we make for our OEM partners. Tune in to our News & Insights updates to learn more about our equipment, our team, our capabilities, and our community involvement! We like to be transparent and celebrate all the wonderful things our team does throughout the year, so be sure to bookmark this page to stay up to date!

Sjoberg Tools worker on a machine

Stay Up to Date

Keep up with industry trends and learn more about what’s happening here at Sjoberg Tool! Get a behind-the-scenes look at our incredible team, our services, and our insights!

Employee Spotlight: Cale Wolf For Building Strong Relationships

Employee Spotlight: Cale Wolf For Building Strong Relationships Meet Cale Wolf, our Employee Spotlight for October! Cale has been with our team since 2019 and has really shown a gift for building strong customer relationships. In fact, he's done such an incredible job that he was recently promoted from Account[...]

Recognizing Ryan Oestreich: Celebrating 10 Years With Sjoberg!

Recognizing Ryan Oestreich: Celebrating 10 Years With Sjoberg! We’re kicking off October by celebrating an incredible 10 years with Ryan Oestreich, one of our amazing Account Managers/Estimators! Ryan has been a part of our accounts team since 2013 and is absolutely incredible with our clients. We are so lucky to[...]

Celebrating Tom Henning: Congratulations On 5-Years!

Celebrating Tom Henning: Congratulations On 5-Years! We have another anniversary to celebrate this month! Congratulations to Tom Henning, our incredible Maintenance Manager, for 5 awesome years at Sjoberg! Tom keeps all our equipment up and running so we can deliver our projects on time, every time! Thank you for all[...]

Vendor Partner Visit! Metals USA Swings By With Lunch for the Team!

Vendor Partner Visit! Metals USA Swings By With Lunch for the Team! Metals USA has been a supplier partner of ours since 2000 and they were kind enough to visit our facilities and even brought lunch for our whole team! We are so grateful for our partnership and can’t thank[...]

Sjoberg’s New Helping “Hand”: The Kuka Robotic Arm

Sjoberg’s New Helping “Hand”: The Kuka Robotic Arm New Equipment Feature! Check out our Gladwin Automation Robotic Bending Cell! We developed this innovative setup to help streamline production timing for our more complex parts. This Kuka robotic arm works in tandem with a Safan brake press to accurately bend and[...]

Luncheon With Sierra Delta Ambassadors

Luncheon With Sierra Delta Ambassadors We had special visitors for our November luncheon! Thank you so much to BJ, Lee, and his service dog Sayge, for sharing your incredible story and for being such amazing ambassadors for the Sierra Delta program! We enjoyed a nice fall lunch, had some of[...]

Celebrating The Holidays With Sjoberg!

Celebrating The Holidays With Sjoberg! We LOVE the holidays here at Sjoberg and had a wonderful Christmas Party at the Delafield Brewhaus to celebrate with our incredible team! Thank you to every single person at Sjoberg Tool for making the holiday feel extra merry and bright this year!

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